Ode to 2020 By Swan Michelle

I began writing and studying  less and instead experiencing and contemplating more poetically in 2020.  Please enjoy a list of ongoing poetry that I will add to, inspired by this year of growth and transformation, a chest of jewels in poem from 2020.


And We Ignite 

Sky of infinity

Your stars shine so brightly

You reflect to me

A timeless truth



I am infinity


Sun shines so radiantly

You give and give so generously

May I choose to live freely

And offer valiantly


With nobility


Moon up in the sky

Your mystery, yet you do not lie

Soft, supple, full of light

Your power reveals this night


And I ignite


I am infinity

And of nobility

I embody

This divinity.

And I ignite


We are infinity

And of nobility

We embody

This divinity

And we ignite

by Swan Michelle

And So Take To The Forest

We are asked to discern and choose daily

A new beginning or an old past disdain

And so take to the forest

When feeling deeply this worlds pain

Cut cords to change & cleanse it.

Let fall this transforming rain.


This forest, your deepest inn

You are in the forest to implore

Caring more is your greatest virtue

The more this inn that you explore


And so take to the forest

When feeling deeply this worlds pain

Offer everything to your campfire

Let enter this transforming reign.

Swan MIchelle 


What Seemed So Unbearable 

When the wind brushes up against these infinite branches

When your waves crush & devour  the harsh and ageless cliffs 

When nothing is witnessed in the forest but the elements in symbiosis 

When the sun turns the ocean gold at sunset & a white seal appears 

When what seemed so unbearable was actually nothing at all but a footprint in time  & a shift in perception

It means you have finally captivated me. You now, are indeed my captor. It is so exhilarating.

Swan Michelle 



I Ride These Waves

My power came back 

After I rode these waves

I fell, yet graced to rise again. 

These waves smashed me, took me, embraced me, loved me

And let me stand on her boldly, regally, powerfully.

Reflecting back to her after all that she has given me

The drop of this potent ocean that I too am 

Swan Michelle


Feeding The Hungry Wolf No More

Feel  the doors sealed shut. It all has come to a close

There is victory! You did not feed those hungry wolves

Upgraded doors burst open each moment that  you rose

Step forward. You, stable. This  immense readiness shows. 


You did not feed those hungry ghosts.


New footprints. New boundaries. Fresh, bold freedoms await. 

Our lives. This path ours. Yet, it must deeply resonate. 

Tell the truth to ourselves we find we are more than worthy

Then new creations & explorations will be inspiring & steady 


When there is no denial, there is wisdom and resolve.

Stay wild, stay clear. It is in integrity that suffering is solved.

Look forward. Why stay back?  Stand in presence on your own track.

Any sadness or separation… bold love will integrate you back 


To you my dear

Look within to align with the Truth this time

Take life force from others no more. Go in as to explore. 

Jump your own train, from fabrications refrain.

Question yourself less. There is no one to impress

Your own power won’t ignite when deceptions trespass.

Listen. No longer restless. Be with yourself in this darkness.



When you make it a show the shadow will grow. 

Your actions, more than words, reveal all that you know

Concern yourself less with others or what you can get

Pay gratitude for all that has  been given to you

Each relationship in the here and now is the exact one meant for you

This is your gift, your gate,… heaven or hell,  in you


And so….. Step finally into your own light

Feel  the doors sealed shut. It all has come to a close

There is victory! We need not feed those hungry wolves between us anymore

Newly aligned doors can burst open more freely as we chose to

Step forward with clarity and certainty. And this manifestation will show. 

And so….we step forward into the light. No hand outs. No spite.

We’ve learned more from this than we might know. 

I feed the hungry wolf no more.

Swan Michelle 


Your Love Is Like A Hurricane 



Your Love is like a hurricane. I received a hurricane indeed. It poured and flooded me with the purest essence of what love really is and exactly what I need.

Your love is like a hurricane. You are a mystery. Instead of getting what I thought I would want I got exactly what The Divine knows I need

Your love is like a hurricane. You are a mystery. You nourish, you clean, your roar, I swim. Yet, please take from me all that is not free.



Material things rotten and tossed. They drowned and left in your Grace

Yet, it was a hurricane of love that I received, not a devastation  to face.


It cracked my heart open even more. I was flooded with  life force

In the form of loving hands by an ocean that showed no remorse.


When I sleep, I feel the confluent care of community just like an ocean of devotion.

Loving hands having rebuilt a fresh new temple along the blue water, with concerted emotion.



It was a true testament to what communities can do. Not one. Not two. But far more.

Well intended people, with work ethic and compassion, Numerous surprise holy beings at my door.


Thank you for being my teachers. For showing me what pure giving is without any notoriety.

That loss is not personal. It is a part of nature and of cycles. Loss is important and necessary.


It was a Florida like Varanasi for a time.

Yet blocks away, pure and crystalline.


Underbelly, the underworld, loss, decay and rot amidst such sacred beauty.

My cup is still so full from it,ever drunk from your ability to love purely.


It was messy, laborious, exhausting and our determination relentless.

Transformation, even in rebuilding any sacred home or  temple, can be a quite a mess.



Your Love is like a hurricane. I received a hurricane indeed. It poured and flooded me with the purest essence of what love really is and exactly what I need.

Your love is like a hurricane. You are a mystery. Instead of keeping what I want I have exactly what I need.

Your love is like a hurricane. You are a mystery. You nourish, you clean, your roar, I swim. You took from me all that was not free.



Your Love is like a hurricane. I received a hurricane indeed. It poured and flooded me with the purest essence of what love really is and exactly what I need.

Swan Michelle 

Empath In The Forest 

This is what meditation is to me…

Entering into the forest is not for those in denial. Oh no.

It is for those that feel so deeply the  worlds sorrow, down to their bones marrow

They must retreat from the pain of overwhelm

As to come back to themselves

And artfully admire the insane

Meditate on the messages

And transform their Being for us all

Swan Michelle


What Are Your Investments

It’s been holding onto delusion

Thats kept up all the confusion

When the mind becomes thwarted

There is no room for the open hearted


To invest into the news of illusion

Is to invest into more confusion

To Invest in the wisdom heart

Is to uncover where to start

So start here….

Serving, give  generously

Sing, do yoga, face change openly

2020, a year to listen & live courageously

Skim down our focus, live quietly, non-violently

Devoted to ever grow, live freely &  mindfully

What are your investments?

Swan Michelle 

The Bridge of The Gods


The natives of this land

Were driven from their home

Yet I see them at the Bridge of the Gods

To worship the innate salmon cross

From ocean to river, to hardship, to duty

Drawn to spawn in their nobility

After struggling and living fully

Yearning to then return back home

Their innate roots never erased

As badly as we allowed for waste

Their dignity in their bones

We have so much to learn about what we call home.

These Douglas firs and rivers in our bones.

Swan Michelle